A new month..
At last new month is here... Today the first day of the August month and there are much things going on in the city today. We'll get to there later but first I wish that this month luck would be better for my best friend Jayson. LAst months was the worse month for him or maybe the worst month of his entire life till now. God if u can here my wish, please help cure his bad luck, get rid those bad luck-ness and bless him with lucks. HOpe his luck would improve this month...

2 weeks from now will be the most scary FINAL exam for all student in UCSI. This is my last semester in the school and I really gonna miss all the fun I had in South Wing. Im heading to the North Wing next semester to start my degree program. I really need to get into my study mode or else I might not get good results.

Alright back to the main topic, uproar in the city.
Road blocks, tears gas, water spraying... OMG its too crazy to be in the city today.. I wont want to talk much bout it or later i somehow get arrest.. LOLz.. Well, one of my friends actually caught up in that incident accidentally. She was working somewhere nearby SOGO and unfortunately she got a taste of the tear gas. She describes it to me that tears gas really make your eyes how to say, pain or uncomfortable and somehow you will cry plus your throat will also feel like choking on something... OK enough of that, I know we all dont want to go through that experience..

I was actually planning on going to PC fair today but luckily I didnt. Maybe my instints tells me not to do so. Well, I got lazy juz now and had a nap that cause my entire body to be tired so I give up on going. Dont worry, I will go there tomorrow to get some stuff.. hope can get camera there to get pics og hot chicks.. wakakaa
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